I shouldn't take the time to write this, but that's how weird I am. And in about an hour I'll be calling my girlfriend who's back home in Chicago, although I should ask her if we should wait until Friday night Japan's time. That would be the best option, and for my delaying I'll probably have another night of little sleep. So...what is it that I should be doing? Schooling? Work (ha)? Volunteer firefighter? Advancement exam study?
The greatest and most desired warfare device that one can earn in the military. Many have attempted to be able to go through the arduous studying, conquer written tests, and dominate the oral boards but have failed to do so. The FMF pin is what divides the gods from the men. A FMF frocking ceremony is like combining the excitement and glory of the World Cup, the World Series, and World War II. In short: It's a big deal.
2 years ago on the island of Okinawa, Japan was a fresh-from-FMTB dental doc who was motivated to make his impact to the command and to the United States Navy. Despite a tough end of 2010, he thought that 2011 will be perfect to start fresh and in good cheer. He was welcomed by his first duty station of 3D Dental Battalion which was under III MEF. Among the many signatures he gave, one was for the FMF program stating that the said dental doc would receive his pin in two years time. Little did he know about the horrors that was awaiting him and those that came after to their respective commands.
Just about 2 years later...
Saturday is my deadline to have my package sent up to the general and blah blah blah. All that's left for me to do is take the group test and the murder board before the Page 13 (contract for you non military) expires. The PQS book all got signed today, and the prac apps was done a long time ago in a base north, north away. What I should be doing is studying for the group test since I still have trouble with the LCE portion and some of the marine doctrine.
Pass or fail the test and murder board by the end of Friday, at least this will finally be over.
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