Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Temporary Break-up with Sleep

Friday marked the last day for my command's port and starboard schedule. Most commands here got to go on this holiday routine, others weren't so lucky. Can you really have a port and starboard routine in the medical field? Not really, since people are constantly getting sick or pretending to be. I do feel bad for those who didn't get to enjoy some days off in a much rather slower pace during the holidays.

This however was not a good holiday schedule for me as I lost A LOT of sleep. Most nights when the following morning was a day off, I'd spend it in front of my laptop watching The Simpsons, watching a movie my room mate put on, video gaming, or surfing the net. Time tended to lose track in those nights but were made up by waking up around noon. But there were times that there was no sleep at all, just tossing and turning in bed for no reason. Usually those nights liked to be when there was work in the morning, so while I sleepily walked across base to work, my brain was still trying to get to bed. As soon as work would be over it would be time to go to the gym, but that proved disastrous because of almost passing out on the treadmill. This were not a fun experience. By the way, I want to personally thank anyone in my command who's reading this for not having computer troubles while I was working during port and starboard. I would have hated having to drive to Schwab or Kinser, another incident is not what Okinawa needs.

So with yesterday being the final day of port and starboard, how did I celebrate? Duty. Oh yes, instead of being able to go home and crash on my bed, I was standing by waiting for possible dental emergencies. I caught myself falling asleep on the  office chair a few times, and thankfully wasn't caught by the right wrong person. Even this morning was tough since I still wanted to get some rest, but I managed to make it out alive by 1130. Turns out that when I'm sleep deprived, I go into auto pilot and lift the censor mechanism. This was personally noticed when I realized that I was flirting with one of the female officers. And no, she didn't scold me for that.

I'd like to end this by saying something about going to bed, but I just woke up not long ago after passing out from a food coma courtesy of CoCo's curry (level 10 of course). Looks like tonight is gonna be just like last week.

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